Library of Congress

MDS Technical Notice

June 13, 2002

MARC 21 Data Elements in LC Bibliographic and Authority Records

This list identifies data elements from Update no. 2 (October 2001) to the MARC 21 Formats for Bibliographic and Authority data that will become valid in LC's system no earlier than September 1, 2002 (unless otherwise specified below) and other information related to MARC 21 data elements of interest to subscribers.


This list is provided to assist in evaluating the impact on automated systems as these elements could be present in records issued by the Library of Congress; they do not necessarily reflect values that will be actively supplied by LC cataloging staff. These elements are fully documented in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (

VIDEORECORDING 007/04 (Videorecording format)

new code: v (DVD)

015 - National bibliography number: change from non-repeatable to repeatable

new subfield: 2 (Source)

017 - Copyright or legal deposit number

new subfield: 2 (Source)

041 - Language code: change from non-repeatable to repeatable

define second indicator (Source of code) with values:

[blank] (MARC language code)

7 (Source specified in subfield $2)

new subfield: 2 (Source of code)

change subfields from non-repeatable to repeatable: a, b, d, e, f, g

043 - Geographic area code

new subfield: c (ISO code)

508 - Creation/production credits note: change from non-repeatable to repeatable

754 - Added entry--taxonomic identification

new subfields:

c (Taxonomic category)

d (Common or alternative name)

x (Non-public note)

z (Public note)

887 - Non-MARC information field: new field



This information is provided to assist in evaluating the impact on automated systems as this element could be present in records issued by the Library of Congress; this does not necessarily mean that the element will be actively

supplied by LC cataloging staff. This element is fully documented in the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data (

043 - Geographic area code

new subfield: c (ISO code)


The following changes from Update No. 2 (October 2001) to the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data will not be implemented at the Library of Congress at this time. A future notice will be issued when implementation details have been set.

LEADER/07 (Bibliographic level)

new code: i (Integrating resource)

SERIAL 006/01, 008/18 (Frequency)

new code: k (Continuously updated)

SERIAL 006/04, 008/21 (Type of continuing resource)

new codes:

d (Updating database)

l (Updating loose-leaf)

w (Updating Web site)

SERIAL 006/17, 008/34 (Entry convention)

new code: 2 (Integrated entry)

260 - Publication, distribution, etc. (Imprint): change from non-repeatable to repeatable

define first indicator (Sequence of publishing statements) with values:

[blank] (Not applicable/No information provided/Earliest available publisher)

2 (Intervening publisher)

3 (Current/latest publisher)


Because the new bibliographic level "integrating resource" will not be implemented at this time (see 3. above), records for integrating resources will continue to be coded as monographs (Leader/07=m). However, since the Library of Congress plans to implement revisions to Chapter 12 "Continuing Resources" of AACR2 on December 1, 2002, subscribers will begin to see content designation in monographic records after that time that heretofore has appeared primarily in only serial bibliographic records:

022 - International Standard Serial Number

222 - Key title

247 - Former title or title variations*

310 - Current publication frequency

321 - Former publication frequency

362 - Dates of publication and/or volume designation

547 - Former title complexity note*

550 - Issuing body note

580 - Linking entry complexity note

76X-78X - Linking entries

*Indicates fields formerly found only in pre-AACR2 serial bibliographic records.


June 13, 2002