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Goood night folks! :)
going offline in a few minutes...
Give your opinion on italians, RT @italian_project with positives (P) and negatives (N) !
RT @sig: @simon @dahowlett @tomraftery And if you have an iPhone, the SSB Timetable app rocks, do them all perfectly (except UK of course)
@italian_project italians are Positive: friendly, light-hearted, fashion leaders; Negative: badly organized, sometimes too invadent.
RT @italian_project: Guys, what do you think of italians? RT @italian_project please! Use short sentences, positives and negatives! I score 15,000 watts!!!! Surely because of the many flights per year (almost 100) :)
@hikari is it what I think it is? :)
Just finished my presentation for INSEAD at Fontainebleau tomorrow! Anyone will be around?
@wisequeen the funniest part is not exactly in Lux eheh :)
@TomRaftery got it (now following him :D), but it is not good enough. Schedules are the problem, and is a good website for the rest.
@dahowlett @TomRaftery we miss a coordinated train system in Europe. It's all about information: with more info, better schedules and easier
@dahowlett problem is when you have to book multiple trains for different locations... too many changes, long hours to wait, etc.
@nivs send me an email at, I'll try to answer in the next couple of days :)
Why is traveling in Europe by train so difficult? And I'm using the best website, ... :(
@TallMartin good :) otherwise, it would be a full month salary, you know... :)
@TallMartin ouch ouch ouch!!! if you don't know what to do... ask me or google it. Hope you didn't break the engine and the pump :)


Evan Williams sara Jason Calacanis brady forrest Stowe Boyd Pat Spif Lee LeFever Robert Scoble Paolo Valdemarin Boris mafe vanz Roberto Bonanzinga Bru Fullo Yan Pritzker svaroschi Jeff Barr jimbo wales Lloyd Davis Andre Ribeirinho alexis richardson Marco Montemagno Werner Vogels steve o'grady Vagamente Ari Burton Andrea Beggi marcocc Gaspar Torriero Luca Conti mante Antonio Tombolini lafra elena senzaaggettivi
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