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Not writing to support when you have a problem, for any reason: FAIL.
Writing to support when you have a problem, even if you think it's already been reported: WIN.
@luomat FTP, then, and skip the compression. :-)
So far I haven't seen a font panel crash that didn't involve something that was added to /Library/InputManagers/ by the user.
@philippec As much talking as he does, he oughta know, AMIRITE? :-)
@philippec Dunno about thetalkshow, one of the Snowball's proponents lives in my house. :-) Dunno anything about Snowflake but is prob'ly OK
@cbarrett I'd rather have "working sync" than "one minute sync", myself.
@philippec For gaming I use the Sennheiser gaming headset, it's probably good enough for podcasting as well.
@philippec I don't actually record with the Blue, people I know and trust use it for their podcasts. Worth it from all accounts.
@brentsimmons Consolas was the first font to successfully pry me away from Monaco on OS X.
@philippec I recommend the Snowball, excellent podcasting mic.
@dnanian I consider true BRIEFness to be an unattainable goal.