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@vedo Wife is not convinced. Just another time waster as far as she's concerned.
@HumanRightsDay Love the cause, but I must say that your logo reminds me of Pit Pat.
Whoa. Did FB just tap into the Twitterverse or what? All my suggested friend are suddenly fellow tweeple. Creepy. Or Tweepy. Maybe both.
@threevolts Maybe. Lemme check with my boss.
Holding office at Luce on 4th St. over a pint. Just off of a great lunch with the WMT crew.
@threevolts yup, that's what I meant. Nice work.
@pjbfcp ditto. Leaving now to get a good parking spot.
@mjkeliher Please report back. I'm eager to try it out but haven't had the chance yet.
@helloviking Are you suggesting we forego the traditional 20% markup?
@threevolts Heard you schooled them all last night at karaoke.
Great story in Politico: Why is Illinois so corrupt?
No. The Don doesn't do karoke. But talk, yes.
@chrispollard Couldn't agree more. I use it as a substitute workout. Only way to motivate myself to get out there.
I don't see Blago's arrest as a stain on the Dems. It's an Illinois thing. The only surprise is that he got caught, the chump.
I was going to go to the MIMA holiday party but I think I'll be busy – still reading the invite notice on Facebook!
@bikehugger Think I'm going to check out Powell's again, tho.
Love the Amazon Assoiates toolbar, but I still can't create a simple link to put in a tweet. Fubar, man.
@dacort As a native Chicagoan, I expect nothing less.
@Lileks Yeah, when my kids were done with Webkins, they were done. Kongregate is the latest.


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