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5:00 . . . taking a WoW break
Twitterfriends: befriend my company's new profile: @hilomedia and help us spread the love!
Twitter friends join my company's new twitter account: @hilomedia
Amazon Prime + Amazon iPhone App 1-click = Danger
@Go2PrintGreen I spend too much already on audio and video apps and I only use 5% of the features of PS and AI
Was easy to ditch Microsoft products . . . tried the same with Adobe . . . much harder!
Can anyone recommend an open-source vector image program for Mac in which I can edit AI files?
mmm leftover lasagna today. che perfetto!
Hey, there I am in the iPhone iTunes Music Store Podcast section - it's like I still podcast!
@bstolba Thanks! And thanks for saying I have "wisdom". I don't get that very often. : )
@hogihung Part of Software Update -
Attn video geeks: Compressor update seems to make Qmaster work again for distributed processing (for me at least).
making fresh baguettes for dinner tonight . . . yum!
@shaznyc Also some other recs from @influxx : ffmpegx, MPEGStreamclip, Premier
I love love love generating invoices.
Thanks @adamriggins @tmasteve @hogihung - we all think alike :)
@shaznyc Do you have VisualHub? That might work - thanks @hogihung


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