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virtual4now - Merry Christmas, you know you like these types of videos :)
@cyberpenguin You are making up for that lack of twittering now I see :)
@kirstinj I don't know - I never heard back from @momo66 about it, he is the only time I have heard the twitter run mentioned.
And already done
30 min past appt time and they are taking everyone in the waiting room back to rooms but me - until I typed this - now they called me! :)
@momo66 I have been able to run a *little* bit. I didn't know about the twitter run - who announced /organized it?
Looking for a good place to have bfast near the doctors office since I have to go early to avoid traffic
@momo66 good luck with your training leading up to the ING!
This morning is my first follow up appt with the doc since surgery - then off to work for my last "official" work day of the year!
@cyberpenguin The recuperation is going pretty good. I am in a sling again, and prob will be for another few days - little pain but good!
@cyberpenguin You said you were going to take a book with you to run the 10 miles.... I said.... or 2! just incase :)
@cyberpenguin just been out of touch a bit cause the surgery, recovery, and a short trip. Recovery going good though!
@AuntieStress my recovery is going good - thks for asking
@mozybackup yea, the downside. But the other downside of the initial upload are the new limits people like comcastare doing.
Dev for the cloud - I wish I could use it sooner than I will actually be able to. #mdcatlanta
@mozybackup will do - have been very happy 2date. We will see how it goes to add a LOT of data :) it will take a while I am sure.
Have you checked into Mozy yet? I think it is well worth it - especially the free account 2GB!
Started setting up my environment to get ready to move to the unlimited backup plan with Mozy - - will prob go live 2night
In the Azure session with @wbm at #mdcatlanta


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Brian Oberkirch Jonathan Greene Chris Brogan Keith kara Garrett Dimon Dan Rubin Michael Montgomery Christian Heilmann Chris Pederick matthew Nathan Smith Dave Fravel Caleb Jenkins michael b Dan Schmit Paul Stamatiou k1mb3rly Jason Beaird Scott Koon Jane Dallaway Gregory Cohen ted murphy J. Patrick Greer Chris Pirillo Ola Karlsson Karen Cardoza Brian Johnson Chris Coyier Mike Schinkel Rick Mahn Sam Funk David Peach
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