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@smellow yeah, we'll see how it goes. could get goofy quick but I'm hopeful. at least it's different than the usual TV fare.
yeah, I'm really digging Leverage. good show.
Leverage starts in 30 seconds it seems...
@StephenFleming I also love my Logitech cordless laptop travel mouse. Bt that has a little dongle too and isn't bluetooth.
@StephenFleming gotcha. I've got it on my desktop which has more USB ports than I know what to do with.
@rjurney hey! are you *implying* something?!? :-) I'm working on it... shesh.
@StephenFleming I love my cordless Logitech trackball - tho it has a USB dongle w/ it -
@mmealling that's cool. I read somewhere that keeping a log of everything you eat/exercise is a huge eye opener/motivator.
@mmealling awesome - good for you re:the diet; as for kids, remind me not to let u give stuff to mine. I don't need them hopped up on sugar.
@mmealling sounds like you mostly got the short end of that stick. you didn't even keep any stuff for yourself?
anyone gonna watch the series premier of Leverage tonight? looks like it could be a cool hacker type show. if they don't screw it up.
catching up on syncing up statements/receipts/bills. I'd rather be coding. ugh.
@rjurney good point. guess I'm nott as experienced with frameworks as you/others.
you thought CNN's Pixel Perfect display was cool. it's nothing compared to the Saudi's digital wall.
watching 60 minutes. this digital wall in Saudia Arabia is freakin' awesome.
@boorad is going to be so excited by this article that he'll probably be unbearable.
@rjurney yeah, perhaps. I'd say no framework can be all things to all ppl. so you have to take the good with the bad then.
awesome - just got intro'd to a VP level dude at a radio conglomerate. gonna be "let's make a deal" time soon. woot!
@jbrett those tweet milestones are momentous occasions. or not.
@rjurney re:csutom framework, yeah you're right but if the language/framework allows for overriding of methods/classes u are usually okay.


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