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Got email from a "Mr. Blagojevich" offering to sell me a Senate seat. Is this a scam? Details seem pretty legit. Will look for it on Snopes.
Wishing I could travel back in time like @wilw. The perks of being a sci fi character, I guess.
Yahoo layoff victim was forwarded to me, but not someone we have work for. Crowd Fusion is always looking for dev and design talent though.
At dentist for a cleaning. Tried to escape. Landed on dental tools.
Thanks Pandora for turning me onto Ponce De Leon by Splitsville. Ben Folds minus all the darkness.
I like this one: "Top 10 coolest in-game gadgets" Title should have said "part one" though. 10-6 was confusing.
@danbenjamin Yeah, I got the same response from one of my wife's relatives in San Diego. ;-)
Was flipping through the stations trying to find a non-Christmas song while driving home a few minutes ago. Was rescued by Jason Mraz.
It's really warm out. 51 degrees. T-shirt weather!
@devinTrix Hah. I haven't been a CTO since 2002. And I know way many people I'd rather have as a CTO than me.
On the phone with my favorite CTO now.
Read about karaoke stabbing on some site the other day. Now there's one trusted source for all your karaoke violence news:
Great Raptr (social network for gamers) interview: If you like it, you can Digg it here:
Pretty new navigation for Google Maps: Nice.
@bloggingniki I do love Chuck, but that quote was more Jack Black and Kung Fu Panda.
@Dorie93950 Insurance doesn't cover awesomeness.
Thanks to everyone who gave me nickname suggestions for my followers. You will be getting Brianiacs t-shirts once I get them printed ;-)
So far Brianiacs is the leader. Wondering if it's safe to just start using "my friends" again. Twitter is like a giant town hall after all.
@Dorie93950 Not sure anyone would get Prometheans. Loved that book...but I'm sure that's obvious.


Biz Stone Evan Williams veen Jason Shellen Brian Walsh Xeni Jardin Ross Justin Williams om Gavin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Alex Hillman Stowe Boyd drew olanoff Alex Rudloff Veronica Belmont Mike Rundle Tantek Çelik Hickensian Erik Snook Dan Rubin harold check Veerle Pieters Steve Smith photomatt Matt Heerema Kent Greg Storey John Gruber Cameron Moll Malarkey David Chartier
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