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Finished in an hour. Not too bad!
The first voters are leaving, about 500 people in line. I wouldn't be surprised to see near record turnout.
Waiting to vote, 15 minutes until the polls open, about 200 people in line. Very scary day.
trying to disable the unlock password on my WinMobile 6.0 phone since I've disconnected from Exchange which put the policy on my phone
No American men within 5 minutes of the winner in the Olympic marathon, yet another disgracefully embarrassing failure for Team USA :(
Oly tri: all 3 Americans stayed at the back on the bike, Bennett blew up 2k into the run, Ertel was dropped on the last hill of the bike
stayed up to watch the Olympic women's triathlon live online last night, what a boring race! not even 1 attempted break on the bike
@twitter the usuals were live-Twittering le Tour, but stupid Twitter unsubscribed me from everyone I subscribed to that day
Yesterday most GC contenders (Evans, Kohl, F. Schleck) rode like they want to lose, today noone's Twittering live updates, coincidence?
2 co-workers contracts severed 3 days after I give 2 weeks notice... I think someone up there likes me!
@DailyTour re podcast: Nibali did wear white in stage 12, because he would have anyway since "Dopey" would've worn polka-dots
@lineofscrimmage I'm a high school football ref in Central Florida (Orlando), got the best seat in the house every Friday night
@TeamSlipstream go Christian! way to carry the flag! Yanks rule the Tour! Take that, Prudhomme!
@twitter just tried to post from, clicked update and got as JS error... WTF???
@leolaporte Silverlight = .NET for the browser, @thurrott is correct it's the opposite of Adobe Air
Just finished an ASP.NET MVC presentation for my co-workers, a little polish and it will be ready for a code camp.
@mjeaton actually I was trying to refer to our sprint planning meeting... then we go back from 3:00 to 4:00 for decomp! brilliant! :)
Management is changing our scrums from 2 teams of 8 & 10 to 6 "pods" of 3 :( and my pod is planning from 11:00 to 1:00 today, WTF?
Coworkers don't get microblogs, think it's for teens just like SMS - they tend to have a fairly narrow view of the world, especially tech
@devfish Thanks for the free InBetween #TechEd Orlando. Settling in for .NET U, 3.5 Services today. & MSFT left the free wi-fi on too!


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