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Ben Prestage concert tonight at UGB - join me if you want
Saw Slumdog Millionare last night at a private screening. Its now in my top 10 favorite movies of all time.
@alexrudloff convinced me to get Guitar Hero... I bought the PS3 version on accident : (
I think im going to go with Rockband II - more people on Yahoo seem to like it, plus bigger song library to choose from
I think RB2 would be good, but Guitar Hero has Tool songs.. hmm, lets ask Yahoo answers
Should I get Rockband 2 or Guitar Hero World Tour?
Yahoo Answers is seriously my favorite thing to do now when I'm bored
Watching Harry Potter on my new HDTV!
@corycollier I been there with Tom, watch out for crazy old women looking to score some drugs
Ben Prestage concert tonight - woot!
Working today - : (
Just don't get them wet or feed them after midnight
thanks @saracmanny !
Will someone buy me a macbook pro? Doesn't hurt to ask.
twitter is acting weird so I cant send the link;_ylv=3?qid=20081118105625AA6pECd
yahoo answers cracks me up;_ylv=3?qid=20081118105625AA6pECd
going to the gym, then floridacreatives, then the lodge for some football tonight


Gavin Josh Hallett Alex Rudloff Ryan Price Bill Ferrante Chris Scott ted murphy John Rife Etan Horowitz Thomas Cox Hail the Ale! Jason Rostek Cory Colllier Mark Krupinski Gregg Pollack Greg Pederson Lauren Beyer john wittgenstein Dawn Erik Hersman melissacollier Jay Hilgert derekbender Jessica John Chow Kevin Anthony Jones cjprovencio xentek Will Cheung mistafisha blakesframeli TJ Leitz Jade Henrickson aaaaaiiiiieeeee btouch tgouldbourne