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@shortyawards I nominate @hotdogsladies for a Shorty Award in #humor because...he is fucking hilarious
warming up for mary anne hobbs tonight by assaulting my eardrums with some wob-wob-wobble basslines...
just scrobbled my 10,000th track - Bad 2 by kode9. nice.
ok, polypage is really cool:
wondering why i decided to enable google gears on wordpress installed locally. department of redundancy department.
just installed Wordpress 2.7 on my (newly fixed, yay!) mac. first impressions - VERY PRETTY. let's hope it is faster, too...
Testing shozu tweeting
making eggy bread for the boy
just wached Iron Man. really enjoyed it. possibly the best superhero movie EVAR. imho.
what is this 'MySpace' that people occassionally still want to be my 'friend' on? please leave me alone...
learning how to build multiple image galleries in drupal with a mere 9 contributed modules and shitloads of faffing... marvellous
got excited about the threadless sale, then found that i didn't like ANY of the designs. sigh. must be getting old...
will code HTML/CSS/jQuery for food...
cancelling subscriptions to various things i don't really need...
reading about drupal modules is the new raving. at least for me...
steaming onward, armed with a Becks, to tackle the CCK and Views modules... rah! saturday night geekout ftw
finally managed to get fckeditor and imce playing nicely together in drupal 5. time, methinks, for a beer or five...
Dear Windows - why do you put some downloads on desktop, some in download folder and some in temp folder. is it just to fuck with me? cock!
listening to jesu and doing the washing up. doing the doom washing up. woooaaaarrrrghh! bubbles!
wowzers, the yahoo media player widget is rather spiffy -


Biz Stone Evan Williams Dunstan Rael Dornfest veen danah boyd Ross Dave Knapik peterme Scott Beale Dave Winer Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Caterina Emily Chang Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Drew McLellan Neil Bruce Lee Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Snook SMITH Magazine Veerle Pieters Brian Fling Matt Webb Ben Cerveny photomatt Cameron Adams Nico Macdonald
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