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..about the future. Political changes, new regulations, cultural shifts in demand, even the weather can influence future markets.
@AddiesDad What I remember from my courses is that economic models are based on past performance.But there are always degrees of uncertainty
But, as my economics professors always said, if markets were predictable, we'd all be millionaires (yes, not literally true, I know).
@AddiesDad So, at very best, it's going to be a very rough 9 months and probably more like a "challenging" time for the next 12-15 months.
@venterchris I try, I really try to stay positive but it is difficult under financial & family stress.
The most optimistic prediction I've heard (Marketplace Money) is that the economy MAY start coming back in late 2009 but it could be 2010.
Last yr, I had no holiday parties but I wanted to celebrate. This yr, I have parties to go to, but it doesn't feel like a time to celebrate.
Anybody participate in this:
@MackCollier Well, considering that some people plug their blogs and/or services 100% of the time, I thought 10% (or less) was tolerable.
@ValerieStevens It is hard to single out a few voices when people share so much of themselves so freely on Twitter. There's an abundance!
@MackCollier I have a low tolerance for self-promotion but I wouldn't go as far as to say "none". I think 10% of Tweets or blog posts is ok.
@ValerieStevens My social meeting marketing mentors are the people I follow on Twitter...the collective wisdom & experience is impressive.
@repcor Is that your voice? You have a great singing voice.
@craig552uk There are some really interesting sociological studies of fan cultures. But I don't think this is the same thing as FB "fans".
@sarahcooley Well, I think if you have a popular blog, videoblog, or podcast, that qualifies you as an artist, author, or celebrity.
@JesseNewhart Maybe I'm quick to pass judgment. It just seems a bit presumptuous to me...I think of FB as a place for friends, not fans.
@roomfarm That is EXACTLY what happened to me. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
@craig552uk I've seen it with a variety of people. I don't think it's a good idea if you're a business seems very pretentious
Especially if you set it up for yourself.
Unless you are an entertainer, artist, musician, athlete or celebrity, I think it is really weird to have a personal fan page on Facebook.


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