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Figures. It would snow the day I have to break my rest early to take a final at 7:30 in the morning.
@bumblebeef Yeah, how 'bout a little less Twitter and a little more driving safely, pal! :)
@bumblebeef Good luck, and let me know how it goes. I'm tentatively planning to take mine next semester.
@strawpoll 2 Terrible interface, horrendous and illegible profile pages, blaring automatic music that I hate: why would anyone use MySpace?
Well, well, well... Look who came crawling back to Facebook. I won't say any names. :)
@bumblebeef Mr. Scrooge, they only wanted to put you in a festive mood. force, if necessary.
My great aunt is recaping my family's history from slavery in real time.
Can you do the 'stanky leg'?
How to succeed in sociology: always speak as though you're absolutely correct and act as though each word is a revelation from on high.
I'm convinced that not one person in this classroom is listening to my professor's incoherent rambling.
Barack Hussien Obama, 44th President of the United States of America
lol @cnn trying out all of this awesome but ultimately superfluous technology during the election broadcast.
@strawpoll 1 because Obama offers the promise of bipartisan compromise that will be important as the country rebuilds and moves forward.
@bumblebeef I think I actually managed to win her over. I'll be sure to post my research proposal when it's done.
I just had the best time trying to convince my professor to pay me an unlimited amount of research money to watch porn all day.
Wow. The new is just awful. Garish color scheme, decreased usability, and increased superfluous clutter. Such a thoughtless relaunch
@bumblebeef Yeah, I saw! That's part of the reason why I want to make sure it keeps working -for that one guy and his positive impression.
@strawpoll college (for football). The constant cycling of players keeps the game and the rivalries interesting.
How is Palin able to get away without addressing questions she doesn't like? It's mind-boggling!


Noah Mittman Bwana [Krazy] Kory Twaites Barack Obama Wil Harris Remember The Milk Rails Leo Laporte David radiolingua Thomas StrawPoll TWiT Live John C. Dvorak Digg B MarsPhoenix Amazon MP3 WootSpy Don Lemon Matthew Caleb THE_REAL_SHAQ