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Eastenders viewers. Tony (paedo) == pob, yes? Uncanny resemblance
@benhuh @nicepaul Guys, don't rub it in :-( [wallows in self pity at missing first SXSW for 6 years blah blah credit crunch blah]
@vanderwal I never watch realtime :-) Friday night is TV catch-up time :-)
Beer in hand and Top Gear on telly. What more does a man need?
@codepo8 That is too funny. Even funnier, my friend has a Jack Russell just like that. He's called 'Roger'. How appropriate.
I hate it when a camera's pointed at me. Especially when it's self inflicted:
@patrick_h_lauke It is genius, no doubt about it. "Use your cheesebox and say: No! Never!"
@Malarkey Can I have an eighth? No, I mean a quarter ... a quarter ... of cough candy please!
@cubicgarden Indeed, an excellent episode ripe for grabbing video clips for presentations :)
Just wondering: Is 'The Humpty Dance' the most awesomest bundle of awsomeness ever created. Genius never fades.
@zeldman Intrigued. Not heard of favrd. So I tried ... nothing there ... then re-read your tweet and slapped forehead accordingly.
@luxuryluke Is your logo's strapline "Life's Dood'? Jus wonderin'
Holy carp it's blowing a gale out there. Armaggedon weather, I tells yer.
@luxuryluke How about some old music? Some nice Plaid electronic nonsense praps?
editing 2.5 hours of footage of me talking about my book. Kept just 10 minutes. It's easy to see why Outtake TV is so easy to make!
@goodwitch I normally ignore those annoying Plaxo emails, but I'll make an exception today .. to wish you a happy birfday!
By George, Yahoo! really have lost the plot now.
Drinking Maxpax coffee from a *proper* mug in a futile attempt at fooling myself that it isn't a complete load of cack. Failing, apparently.