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Idea: Chibi-style animated WWII movie set in Asian prison camp. Title: "Bridge on the River Kawaii"
Also, the fellow waving the flag around during our drunken revelry was Canadian. The irony was not lost on us. Yes we Canada, I guess?
At the pub where I celebrated, there was a spontaneous singing of the Star Spangled Banner. Appropriate, as the melody is a drinking song.
Also: As Team World Police put it, AMERICA. Fuck yeah.
Oh my Jesus am I relieved. Maybe it's just the booze, but when Obama gave his speech tonight, I teared up. And this was me at work!
With all this Bill Sizemore proposition cruft on the ballot, I feel like an "I Vetoed" sticker would be a little closer to the truth.
Fun games: Pretending H.R.G. from Heroes is actually Merlin Mann. "This is all unusable!"
Palin may have gotten herself out of the trash compactor tonight, but McCain's still got a long way to go before he's off of the Death Star.
Is it good luck or bad that the local comic shop is always out of the trade collections I'd be in the mood to buy?
It's not the heat that kills you... it's the humanity. Oh, the _humanity_.
Checked out the Laurelwood Pub & Brewery today -- nice digs, nicer brews. Had their Free Range Red ale to forget about this 100-degree day.
If the ones at my hotel are any gauge, American Eagle models: A) Always travel in packs, and B) Are tiny, yet love driving huge SUVs around.
On the grand total of 2 times I met our hotel's now ex-manager, the same word came to mind both times: _douchemongrel_.
I finally had my 1st day of bell/valet work @ the Hotel deLuxe today. Also, as luck would have it, the hotel manager was fired. True story.
A.V. Club pop-culture portmanteau/username of the day: Sir Lawrence Oblivians
Ah, the tender touch of Coleman Francis.
Following @apelad's lead from a few days ago & watching _Red Zone Cuba_. I'm also learning about "SPEECH: Platform Posture and Appearance".
@FarkerPeaceboy I know. I mean, I'm eating some right now. Not dirty at all. Damn, does Nabisco make a good tit.
George Carlin, this tweet's for you: _Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits!_ Now quick, somebody bring up Twitter on their TV.
I try to put off using my monthly eMusic downloads until I reallly need them, just like new TAL podcasts... I usually make it to Tuesday.


Dunstan Xeni Jardin Nick Douglas President Monteiro Simon Crowley Alex Payne rands John Gruber Neven Mrgan Jim Ray teh_real_chock Anil Dash Rex Sorgatz Jacqui Cheng Ben Tesch JL Watkins Condoleezza Rice Elizabeth Chuck Dean Cameron Allen Aziz John Martz Joshua Green Allen Daniel Jalkut hotdogsladies Matt Haughey Twitter Barack Obama Scott Simpson Jim Coudal Wil Wheaton Stephen Colbert Jason Kottke Matthew Baldwin Cabel M. Sasser Remiel Jonathan Coulton