Rev Dan Catt’s Favorites

kathleenw Job placement service document is in Comic Sans
Matt Biddulph
mattb ah, you crazy macbook trackpad gestures. just cleared all my windows off the screen by accident when wiping away Pringles crumbs.
kellan OH: "Once we're on the ship, there will be no incentive to keep each other alive, and we'll slaughter each other for the Adsense revenue."
Blaine Cook
blaine Wanted: Bollywood scifi action flick with high production values about a shaolin spy that does kickboxing parkour. Too much to ask?
Natbat turns out it is a bad idea to put the basil plant on simons desk, just found him snacking on it
Stephen Fry
stephenfry Doesn't matter which Twitter client I use - they're all convinced I'm in Riga. iPhone has GPS, I go outside, same thing. Riga. Madness x
teacup OH: The guys from Flickr remind me of the art kids from school who all got detention. Like what should we do guys? Let's make a giant panda!
kellan Confused the cabbie when I climbed out of his moving vehicle and into traffic. Yahoo "Start Wearing Purple" ads running on NYC cab's TVs.
JoeTheDough Hello Internets. I am having opinions about the economy and US elections. Also I would like an invite to a new site that is in beta KTHXBAI
Jeremy Keith
adactio Removing people from my friends list on Pownce who post simultaneously to Pownce and Twitter (and probably Facebook, if I looked there).
kellan Wondering about carbon foot print of ebooks (servers&devices) vs books (paper&transportation)
Natbat wondering if we can blame Carol Vordeman for the credit crunch
Andy Baio
waxpancake Hawaiian TSA official to my 3-year-old nephew on why they took him away from my sister: "Because your mommy might have a bomb."
Andrei Zmievski
a Interviewing a candidate, "Talk about templating engines" Them: "Well, Smarty, I really hate it.. <rant on>" Me: "I wrote it" The ...
Drew McLellan
drewm Totally misunderstood when I was asked to fetch a stool. Awkward.
Matt Biddulph
mattb wowed by Exposure finding pictures on flickr of things i'm standing next to in Soho. an eery demo of the power of locative data.
Simon Willison
simonw Stupid Atlanta airport WiFi - Flickr looks all broken, turns out is blacklisted so none of the CSS or JavaScript can load
Don MacAskill
DonMacAskill @revdancatt Alas, it's not quite that glamorous. Ops problems + my dumb = badness today. :(


Evan Williams rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Eric Costello Matt Jones BenJ Myles foe Derek Powazek heather george Stewart Butterfield Cal Henderson Dinah Sanders Simon Batistoni Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith MJ russell Richard Rutter Norm! Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward H ChrisH Yoz Simon Willison Leonard Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Tom Armitage mikel Charlie B Catt
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