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wishing for a break in neck pain
JFC!! In shock! @george08
mood is far too mischievous to be allowed to look after the kids, sent myself to time-out!
at new doctors, glad didn't come while pregnant, tallest flight of stairs in one stoop with tiny steps I've ever seen!
why when I don't know the way and time is short does the taxi driver not know either?!
wishing another 8 hours of sleep could be squeezed into the next hour!
wishing I could keep luxury nanny!
couldn't resist a bit of cleaning, now in trouble!
Luxury nanny still has the kids at the park! Pity I'm so hurty otherwise I'd be having a whale of a time!!
have luxury assistant today!
ouch! Not quite ready for duty, just tried to help out by doing baby feeding, silly idea now in agony :(
have some improvement in mobility, decided no Dr yet, mother's advice seems to be working.
still incapable of significant arm movements, neck still very hurty, face was feeling a little numb, definately wondering maybe a Dr visit?
@revdancatt shhh! don't give away my darkest parenting secrets!
despite hurry neck still managed to get a WoW fix
neck still horrendous, wondering if injection are going to be needed!?!
2am awake as usual but with hurty hurty pain this time!
neck gone...owie ouch ouch!
Gosh! I need painkillers!