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stuck with sloooow wi-fi. again. WHYYYY?
It's so early. WHY AM I AWAKE.
On bus home from Webbies. Bit dunk! from red wine+hot rum (ta @moleitau) Boggling @ blast from past w/ @mattb - the 90s seem *so* far away.
Arrived at the Webbies in time for a lolcats speech. YAY!
has gratefully fled the shrieking foxes & moaning upstairs neighbour to go to the Webbies. \o/ Thanks @documentally!
Om nom. Bitter orange & almond cake FTW! In other news, sending big yays to @thegareth, big hugs to @jillallyn & get well É:yhes to @utku.
Still fed up. Listening to an mp3 of Round The Horne with Charles Hawtrey & Kenneth Williams helps a bit. "Lattice for everyone!" So bona.
didn't nap but get much done either, still cold, still headachey, hoping it's not a sign of worse to come - I need to finish this stuff off.
is cold, sleepy, headachey, unfocussed, listening to Scott Walker very quietly, contemplating things to be done. Or having a nap instead.
really wants a roast chicken dinner but will have to make do with just the roast veg when I get home as I have no chicken. Bah.
Apparently I'm having @weaseljem's dreams. WTF?
Made it to WeMakeLondon just as everyone had packed up. Thought it finished at 6pm not 5pm. It should've! Anyone in town fancy a drink then?
Just saw someone using GPS in Red Lion Street, wonder if he was looking for that @britglyph waypoint in Red Lion Square?
St Aloysius for Bust mag's Craftacular, Lamb's Conduit St xmas fair, American Church for WeMakeLondon. May do @britglyph but no GPS on phone
Still trying to get my head round last's night's dream. Arguments w/ apparently everyone I've ever known & affairs w/ 2 guys I don't fancy!
Total cock of a driver swore at me cos I told him he should've indicated when he turned the corner. & it's raining. Spoils a nice afternoon
is going shopping. I need to buy a picture frame. Half price sale at Woollies?
I already follow @documentally. Where's *my* free beer?
I just burnt my throat on the very hot hot chocolate that @anniemole bought me at the ICA. Ouchy!
@alfie you coming to the ICA?


Matt Jones Kevo Thomson russell David Stone ChrisH Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Meg Pickard Matt Webb Paul Mison sizemore johanna Sumit Hg gareth Mike T-D AntonioGould diamond geezer sasha Pete Ashton Jess Lloyd Davis Robyn Alasdair technokitten Cath Marysia Kay Rachel Clarke mrphoenix budgie kflage Mat Simpson Annie Mole Squirmelia Tamsin
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