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Every afternoon should include a break to watch 'Arrested Development'. So good.
I love it when you email tiny record labels / bands about how to get an mp3 of a vinyl-only single and they just email it to you. Lovely.
Spent all evening trying to find a bug in my code, only to find it was a bug in someone else's code. Phew, I guess. Bug filed.
Jesus and Mary Chain on an ad for Hugo Boss perfume... oh dear oh dear.
@chrislunch Over breakfast, in queues, on the train, on the loo, while cooking, while avoiding work, waiting for pages to load, etc (Hello!)
Spending... a £50 Amazon voucher on replacing old vinyl with mp3s. Bill Nelson, Japan, Joe Jackson, Roxy Music, Talking Heads... ace.
The Baader Meinhof Complex was better than I feared. Very good. Now wandering home before I'm tempted to spend.
Off to the cinema, living the life. Briefly.
Just remembered: Last night I dreamed I'd just got a job at Google. In Chelmsford.
Wondering why I'm trying to refactor code that has been working perfectly well for years.
Watching Louis Theroux, feeling lucky.
Emailing O2 broadband to complain about them censoring my internet access
[Normal service resumed] Preparing for St Paul's to Tower Bridge walk with @maryloosemore and Barney and Rosa. Tiring them out...
More drunk than you are because my evening has been better than yours.
Watching a TV programme you've never heard of that is better than anything you've seen.
Having dinner with people so intelligent you wouldn't even understand the inscriptions on their awards.
I am at the pub with people so funny that everyone in the room has wet themselves. Twice. So have you.
My commute is going so badly I'm still waiting for Tuesday's train. With at least four thousand people. The train will have no carriages.
The music I am listening to is so obscure that you haven't even heard of the language in which it is barked.
Today, more things have gone wrong for me than have gone wrong in the combined lives of you and your last eight direct ancestors.


Matt Jones foe Giles Turnbull Cal Henderson danhon spaceboy russell ChrisH Yoz Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph mac Meg Pickard jamesb alanconnor Tom Armitage Nick Sweeney Paul Hammond Dan Matt Webb Paul Mison Ben Cerveny Jem Schulze Tom Carden paula Kim kass schmitt Justin Hall Denise Wilton Rod McLaren Manar AlistairJeffs Tom Hostler Alice Taylor