Paul Hammond’s Favorites

Bobbie Johnson
bobbiejohnson <emotion><understanding value="-0.5"/><puzzlement value="0.9"><link role="triggeredBy" uri=""> ...
Tom Coates
plasticbagUK Me: "This film is dumb." Paul: "This film is awesome! You're just too old!"
murphy_slaw HTTP/1.1 503 CONFUSED
Dave Shea
mezzoblue a #ECB7AB van just went by. That's a seriously weird colour for a vehicle.
Wordridden "Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry."
Dan Rubin
danrubin reading more about the "creative class" - interesting as hell, and matches many of my own thoughts on the subject:
Simon Willison
simonw mental note: if it took two hours to develop, it will take 10 hours to deploy
Craig Saila
saila IKEA vs. SXSWi? No contest (twittering from aisle 24, bin 7)
Cal Henderson
iamcal Waaay too drunk
Matt Webb
genmon Remembering the day i double-checked there were 26 letters in the alphabet, and miscounted.
murphy_slaw ""
Tom Dolan
tomskerous sitting in bed and trying to work out why I haven't simply put down the laptop and closed my eyes.
Andy Baio
waxpancake It's like tying the Titanic to the iceberg. It'd keep you from sinking just long enough to freeze to death.
dunstan At what point does a company stop launching features when they're ready and start launching features when the PR said they would? And why?
Dave Beckett
dajobe watching Top Gear - w00t
Matt Biddulph
mattb Be first or last onto the plane. Anything else is a waste of queuing.
hubertus meeting jones in the lobby


rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest veen danah boyd Eric Costello Matt Jones BenJ Daniel Scott Beale Myles Michael Buffington Giles Turnbull Derek Powazek heather george Stewart Butterfield Caterina Mark Simpkins Cal Henderson Simon Batistoni ribot termie Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Hickensian Norm! David Stone Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward H ChrisH Yoz
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