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Gretel just asked me to smell her finger. Yup.
@vicequeenmaria I love hearing him sing and chirp... so if he doesn't talk it's ok. I just want to be able to let him out of his cage.
@vicequeenmaria Can't get enough quiet time to work wth him. But he's a joy to watch and listen to. He's VERY talkative and opinionated!
@vicequeenmaria Calypso is good. I suck at hand-taming him - just can
@vicequeenmaria Roosters have vibrant feathers (esp on the tail). Hens are muted & smaller. That's what I've learned volunteering @ the ......
@vicequeenmaria Looks like one to me. I think if it was a rooster the comb (flesh at the top of the head) would be bigger and redder.
@vicequeenmaria She's very pretty, BTW. Who will take her?
@Mobasoft Let's blame t-mobile. ;) But I can't say for sure - I hardly ever browse from my t-mobile phone b/c it's slow as molasses.
@mosqueda Sorry you are home, but YAY! you are HOME (for a little while)!!!
@alizasherman Sending good vibes your way that the wait goes by quickly. *Hugs* to your little one that she is not too scared.
So sad to see the puppies waving goodbye.
@amalah Love the BF photo avatar! Your next t-shirt should say "I make breast milk. What's your super power?"
Where did the weekend go?
And we're off. Bah Humbug! ;)
Gretel wants to be on stage too... but she is still too young. She will be her brother and sister's cheerleader from the audience w/ us. ;)
@vicequeenmaria Hansel is one of the children 'neath the robe of the Ghost of Christmas Present. He loves being around the middle schoolers!
Bringing our youngest thespian to the high school now, for makeup and costume prep. Plenty of photos to follow.
OPENING NIGHT! Cinderella & Hansel both performing in A Christmas Carol. This is where weeks of playbill designing and rehearsals pay off.
@shika Dammit. Now I've turned to the puppy cam.


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