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Out of butter emergency please hurry to the parachutes Location:
At steep ravine busy 'concepting'; marc p will drop by later emerging from the fall of the yahoo brickhouse
it appears i will be off the nets for three days - good night moon
@eekim - it was great to see you today
all these old white guys are so fascinated by the sound of their own voices - somebody shoot me when i get to be that way
Anybody have a name and pass for Stanford guest network?
Good point in engelbart talk : making structure malleable and that authors should reveal structure - I hear this as not removing scaffolding
I appear to have picked the stupid room here at Stanford
Hanging out at Stanford - anybody here?
@gwachob well he did save one life. But yes as a father the fragility of life and suddenness of f16 crash is sad.
#boarding SFO landed in the forest of San Fran occupied by the garbagescape of fences roads homes and businesses and little worker bees
beware the ones that smile
#boarding SFO
via reddit - of course honeybees interact with quantum fields - honeybees rule -
@caseorganic oh no not again - hey try type #boarding pdx
@danbri see if iPhoto can do it?
#boarding pdx at rose city restarant
packing extra sleeping bags


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Rael Dornfest Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin May Woo Ross Al Chang Joshua Kinberg Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus J Chris Anderson Surj Patel Shelly Farnham Di-Ann Eisnor Michael Buffington Dhrumil Jason Calacanis Aaron Huslage joshua schachter Rich Gibson Mike Merrill Caterina brady forrest Julia A. Case Neil Drumm Bill Burcham Rodrigo Guaiquil Nelson Minar Allison
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