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Why am I so amused that my husband finally joined Facebook? Dunno. It just seems really, really funny to me.
Looks like my Monday is being cut short by a sick kiddo. Seems to be that time of year.
@mrsykind Thanks. I feel like we're kind of held hostage by it because of all the notes and histories that I can't export!
still working on a better CRM solution. Using Act without an IT person is very, very dangerous. But Act won't export notes and history!
Is it Monday again already? So much to do.
I need feedback on Highrise vs. Act. I'm thinking of moving 8000+ contacts from Act to a hosted services like 37signals. Any feedback?
Twitaway: The Art & Science of CSS — FREE Download
@lm913 I'm downlaoding it now....
@yinchang Some formatting problems with converting form MSOffice in more complex documents. Otherwise, no. Pretty seamless, really.
@pixelsrzen Ok...just looked it up. It's Mac-y, isn't it?
@pixelsrzen I don't think I've even heard of NeoOffice...what do you like about it? How is it different? Inquiring minds....
I just realized that I've been MS Office free for 6 months (do they give coins for that?). OpenOffice is the fashizzle.
How is possible that I've let so many email slip through the cracks? Doing recon on the ole inbox.
@pixelsrzen If I only had the budget, my friend, I would in a heartbeat.
Late to work this morning. Decided to visit a friend (from the program) in the hospital after dropping kids off at school. Really glad I did
@Go2PrintGreen Actually, I'm going to have my office manager call you....probably later this week.
I'm pretty sure that I spend more time futzing around with HP printers and trying to get them to work properly than anything else.
@amakice Really...what's a quorn roast? Sounds very interesting? :-)
@tammypowley sounds like we all do about the same thing on Thanksgiving


Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest veen Maggie Mason Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton om Gavin Dave McClure adam Hillary Hartley Scott Beale (jeff)isageek Scott Hurff Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Glenda Dan Cederholm Susan Scrupski Caterina Molly E. Holzschlag Chaitanya Sagar Zoot David Parmet Mike Manuel coffywoman Justine Ruby Sinreich   christine Andrew Parker l.m. orchard Bernie C
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