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I'm 65.2% addicted to film:
What? Snow in the forecast? Here in Portland? Temperatures in the teens? It's been a LONG time since this sort of thing happened. (2003?)
Being sick the past few days has sucked. But at least I've watched nearly the entire first season of Adam-12 on Hulu! Ah, the memories.
@mathowie The 2008 Time Magazine "10 best lists" are just as annoying. One PARAGRAPH per page, and no way to view everything at once. Lame.
Sick sick sick sick sick. In bed with a fever of 102. Nauseated. Not a happy man.
Lazy Sunday: rain, cats, birds, sipping tea with Kris while she reads and I work.
I have far more guest posts waiting than I knew. That's bad -- and good. Looks like I can take two weeks off to work on book proposal now!
The insomnia caused by my bee-sting medication has made me more productive! Wrote this morning's post *and* answered over 50 e-mails.
Finally found the time to read Michael Lewis on "the end of Wall Street": -- great stuff
Mint, @Wesabe, Quicken Online, etc. Which online money tools have you tried? Which is your favorite? Why? (I still use desktop Quicken.)
The Decemberists were great on Saturday night, but I loved discovering Loch Lomond, another Portland band.
and yes this is about the bee sting
our insurance provider's website sucks. So does phone support.
while pressure-washing sidewalk, i disturb a nest of bees. two sting me, both on right hand. swollen. hurts like hell. worse, i cannot blog.
For the first time in weeks, I start a Monday NOT behind on things. I'm caught up. Now I just need to get ahead!
Do people ever get taken by Nigerian scam artists? Yup. And for big money, too...
Finally, a TV appearance that doesn't suck! Made possible by all of the great tips from GRS readers. Thanks!
Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at the PDX Central Library. I was a ball of nerves, but enjoyed meeting everyone afterward.
First time I've ever promoted a GRS post on Twitter: 34 Christmas gifts you can make yourself:
A cat in my lap is a happy thing, but it means I get very little work done.


Andy Baio jessamyn west Erica Douglass Karawynn Matt Haughey Cat Winterfox Barack Obama Paul Bausch Gina Trapani Brett McKay Flexo Wesabe Nik Chick Charlie Park Gary Vaynerchuk Mike Sterling John Wesley Trent Hamm Kathleen Bennett mbhunter Lynnae skellie Alan Cordle jgingerich chrisguillebeau Gibble debtkid glenstansberry Tim Ferriss andrea_coutu bargainr bripblap the_tim workhappynow kmcgrigg Penelope Trunk