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RT @Scobleizer: I love how I play two games of Solitaire at LeWeb c for a few minutes and there's a Guardian "journalist" there to document
chances of 'Sir' Robert dimming RT @Scobleizer: : evryne is a jornlist now and can write boring articles, like the ones in the Guardian. :-)
RT @njbartlett: Galloway wants to nationalise Woolworths. Should change name to GUM and sell crap nobody wants. Oh wait they already do that
last time I ask a question on twitter ..... ;-) still thks @t_de_baillon and @gabrielrossi
RT @swhitley: Overheard at 2 a.m. from my bedroom window: "I could get a job if I wanted one, but I wouldn't make nothin'."
Check this out -- good conv on sustainability and social meadia by @tomratfery (
quick q: is fora plural for forum?
Ratatouille #leweb? RT @dahowlett: I believe there was a mouse problem @1938media's hotel. Literally.
Great post from @TomRaftery today on social media for sustainability mgmt. I left a long comment and you should join this conv too.
RT @Scobleizer: Back to the land of cold rooms and little to no wifi: #leweb --come see me on Gillmor Gang this afternoon.
@amoyal no worries I'm only half kidding about VISTA --- it builds character
could this be @1938media? RT @dahowlett: There is something incredibly annoying about hotel alarms going off/ When you're in the shower.
@elsua congrats sounds great, always good to go home
@TomRaftery I almst sneaked an Apple fell at lst fence .... seriously there should be a health warning on Vista ;-) I lose so much time
ok back on bb, MS obviously reading my tweets, VISTA frozen again - oh well another 15 minutes of my life I never get back again, thks VISTA
as if strtng didnt take long engh, my PC w the brill Vista freezes 2 or 3 times bfre we finally get going & 1 or 3 times during day also
hello t'wtland please indulge my rant .....grrr VISTA VISTA VISTA ...... grrrr
according to twitterholic I'm the 24th ranking twitterer in germany. if it ws an Olympic sport then I might qualify for the national squad