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Time for a Delirium Nöel with friends
@xirzec Unlock and sell the first one- at least you're not in the position of being locked in an AT&T 3G plan that won't work with the G1 ;)
@rasmus Oooh, shiny! How does this compare to the official PHP OAuth client library?
Nevermind, doesn't support PUT if you don't pass parameters to the constructor
PHP OAuth library doesn't support POST? Buh?
@clynetic OpenSocial also needs automatic profile migration between social networks, 1000000 auto installs for new apps, and wizard caps
Just released the OpenSocial Client Libraries for PHP, Java, Ruby, and Python!
Woah, Twitter is a Friend Connect network now!
Inhaled too much dust this weekend. Woke up feeling like I had smoked a pack of reds last night.
Rain is a logistical nightmare today- this city runs on paper bags!
Just finished moving. Couch had to be carried down 3 and up 5 flights of stairs. This time we were smart and got movers, though ;)
Got a badass panorama print of the desert from @kurivaim today. Taken during our car trip across the US... must be 5 feet wide!
Update to TwitterFon! No more crashing :)
Niall Kennedy used my OpenSocial REST diagram! :)
At Cliff House for a Bloody Mary and Calamari
Muir Woods National Monument is incredible, should have come here sooner
@xirzec I actually *did* consider using fire - decided it may violate some portions of my lease, however
Which of you jerks broke my TwittedFon? It crashes upon updating my feed :( Oh, well... back to Twitteriffic (for now)
@xirzec would require me to lug a Santa Claus sized sack of junk mail into the south bay (which seems more reasonable, now)


Mr Messina Ernie Hsiung Kevin Marks Brad Fitzpatrick David Recordon John Resig ali watkins ryan boyd J Scud Trevor Johns WHATWG Dion Almaer Joseph Smarr vivian Stephanie Liu Roman Nurik kurivaim Jeff Fisher googledata pamelafox chanezon Johannes Fahrenkrug Dan Peterson MySpaceDevTeam Dan Morrill exitthree Eric Bidelman Google I/O chabotc jasoncosta Google Dev, APAC ropu BenLaurie Jeff Scudder