[Decision Concerning Claim for Payment Under Administration on Aging Grant]

B-226439 July 31, 1987
Full Decision (PDF, 3 pages)  


An individual requested reconsideration of the Claims Group's denial of her claim for reimbursement for work she performed as an employee of a non-profit organization under a grant from the Administration on Aging (AOA), contending that AOA should compensate her for the amount that the grantee owed her, since she was unable to collect it from the grantee. The claimant also contended that AOA should have reassigned the grant rather than terminating it. GAO held that: (1) AOA was not liable for the grantee's failure to pay the claimant, since there was no contractual agreement between AOA and the claimant; (2) AOA was not accountable for the grantee's actions; and (3) the decision to terminate the grant was strictly administrative and had no bearing on the claim. Accordingly, the claim was denied.