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Watching bolt on 3d -- cool!
Bell ringing at the local safeway store
Watching frosty the snowman with my little princess.
@WillStrohl nice post about how child blogs can be useful!
LOL - how did you know?
Just received an awesome customer reference... that is exactly the kind of "feel good" end of the week think I needed!
@shanselman Try SugarSync, I am super impressed.
@crazeegeekchick Thank you for the awesome santa avatar!
@crazeegeekchick I want a santa hat too :-)
@christoc You just described my day yesterday!
@WillStrohl Thank god you are shutting down, now I can begin to see other people's tweets too! You've been flooding this thing lately :-)
My son just took his first (un-aided) steps! ... about time! Yay!
@wmorgenweck We still need to talk I suppose.
@sugarsync can I share my outlook pst so I can access the same one across multiple pcs?
I should buy it, and point it to @erikvb 's facebook profile! LOL
OMG... is available! ... should I buy?
@WillStrohl Sorry will, I am am coffee guy... for tea you need to visit


Ian Fenn ivanka majic Scott Mendenhall Michael Arrington Nik Kalyani Suzanna Moran Matt Howard Rob Crawford Derek Torres Christopher Steen Alex Hawkinson Jim Minatel Rob Zelt Scott Hanselman Chris Sutton Philip Beadle Zina lababedi David Walker Taron Maberry Frank La Vigne Joe Brinkman Ribbit riprowan Maddie Grant ninameiers dworthley jbonnie graphingsocial Emad Ibrahim josephncraig Justin Etheredge cnurse Erik van Ballegoij Andy Grant vmasanas ScottGu