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Unwinding before bed with some Planet Earth on Blu Ray. It's like the animals are in the room!
@TFIishawt I'd rather have it than XP anyway.
@TFIishawt vista isn't as bad as people make out which pains me to say as a Mac fanboy. After all, I beta tested Vista for MS, I should know
@Dan_ONeill glad I'm not just making rubbish up, as I normally do :)
@WilHarris doesn't/didn't he drum on some Queens of the Stoneage albums?
@kypp the only Rabi I've encountered queue-jumped me while I was waiting for a bus, take from that what you will.
Don't you just love being toasty inside when it sounds like Godzilla's taking a leak on your house?
Watched The Mummy 3 today, and it didn't have a mummy in it at all! I feel cheated, a more apt name would be "The Statue".
Come on endocrine system, talk to me baby!
@leelowe I would vote Transformers or Cloverfield. Hancock and I Am Legend were disappointing, Iron Man too recent.
@doorofkukondo has the anger subsided? Hope you're ok!
I swear Zachary Quinto's eyebrows are getting bigger.
@scribbl us Friends of the Furry Old Lobster will never forget and never forgive those soulless insectoids known as the New Lobster.
Did Heroes jump the shark with Seth Green as a comic book store owner? I'm quickly losing patience with this show. Sort it out Tim Kring!
Thanksgiving, like all American holidays, is touched by the sadness of the demise of the Furry Old Lobster.
@doorofkukondo same as Oblivion, you can pick 1st or 3rd!
@doorofkukondo what do you think of Fallout 3? It is just Oblivion with guns. And heads that explode. And zombies.
Colour of the day: gray. Maybe some Chinese Democracy can bring a bit of flavour.
24: Redemption, the ultimate slap in the face for those UN pansies.
In a strange land with growling beasts and red women.


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