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@thehotiron - Yes, there are two tabs for your jaikus Overview (everyone) & Your Jaikus (you & your comments).
My afternoon energy (what there was of it) has now been depleted and I just want to sleep, except it is only 4:42pm.
@schampeo - I love the very last comment on the footer, "It's as good as it's likely to get."
@missdd - photos of black hair? Rather than goth & misunderstood look, go 1930s/1940s glamour & wear red lipstick! ;o)
@SiobhanC - Happy Happpppppyyyyyyyyy Birthday! (even if the trains are evil)
A cold, I haz it.
@chivacongelado - Are you going away for Christmas to somewhere sunny?
@daNanner - So you have my sympathy and applause.
@daNanner My mom was a single mom during our teen years & it was hard for her to do it all. My dad was married again, which made it easier.
@daNanner - As the Irish would say, "Ah, well..." (with a big sigh at the end). His choice. And big hug to you for having to deal with it.
@daNanner : 14? Who plays bad cop? You or the ex? My stepmom was bad cop & made me work for my allowance. I liked $, so I did it.
@daNanner - Is he over 16? If so, time to pull a bit of weight. Clean house for pay. Mow lawns for pay. 4-6 hours a week.
@daNanner Does he have a job? Both my brother & I had to have small jobs in teen years. I drove a delivery car for a pharmacy after school.
@chivacongelado - No sun = no Vitamin D production. Recommended to take Vit D supplements at this time of year.
@SandraD - I am interested in the G1, but it may have to wait until a better camera comes with.
SoCal TimeWarner Cable subscribers, @docwho76 says it is the DNS servers, so use and as DNS servers in the meantime.
@docwho76 - THANK YOU! I have noticed that it craps out after 100 or so requests or 20 mins which ever comes first. I have to restart.
@arnold - No Fios in Seal Beach. Not coming here for some time, if at all.
@GadgetVirtuoso - Am going to keep AT&T for now, but am going to get a pre-pay T-mo sim to test.
ktamura - brilliant idea about big oil bailing out clueless detroit. Write your congressperson & senator.


tedr Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene Darla Mack Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Jackson West George Kelly Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson Dinah Sanders Arnold   christine ribot Steve Dembo Jason Hoffman Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith MJ Hickensian Richard Rutter Norm! Aaron Gustafson Natalie Michael Hessling Derek Featherstone pixeldiva Simon Willison Steve Marshall Tom Coates Rev Dan Catt luxuryluke Snook Dan Rubin
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