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@eodesign I am a true geek at heart, do you still wanna be my best buddy?
cold and wet and still raining, now that is a start!
Note to self: Learn and understand completely what Semantic Web is, then start incorporating it into current thinking.
Wish: NYtimes iPhone app. with Instapaper capabilities of saving article for offline reading.
Biggest full moon! A Perigee full moon, 14% bigger and 30% brighter is on display this Friday. NASA told me.
Reading about the just arrested gov. of Illinois, this Blagojevich is Fucking insane!
In my class copyng files to transpprt as student tricking in. Location:
Drinking Dasani, purified with reverse osmosis water. Enhanced with minerals for a pure taste. Big language for water.
I need to face east, may be see the end of the gray in fron of me, may be it has brighter sky. I am tired of west.
Just got list of 100 places to eat in Jakarta. Figuring how to get it as notes in my phone. Tried Instapaper then settled with evernote.
Heading to bed, a block away.
TED app. on iPhone. Aaaah, I am in heaven. Thanks Joe!
Timesheets, doing it. I have been so good this year. This task humbles me :)
Designing in my head, still. Eventually I will lift this mouse and make a mark. Maybe after this can of Dr. Pepper? Maybe after this song.
Working, with headphones on. But not too loud even though there is no one else around. I don't think I want to hear the silence.
@eodesign any video of that girl in the red flapper dress on the pole?
@tweecole :) You are already one my dear. How are you? I missed your opening, shame :( How long is the show? I want to check it out.
I love watching my Twistori screensaver. Now this is the most antiproductive piece of software I will always love to run.
Listening to Lauren Hill's miseducation album again since a long time. So good. What happened Lauren? Where have you gone? I want you back!!


Jack Dorsey noah Evan Williams Dunstan Eric Costello Xeni Jardin Nitin Borwankar Nick Douglas adam Glenda Chris Jackson Jennifer Woodard M i heart quotes Brian Kerr Chris Brogan avner ronen Meg Hourihan Emily Chang Leslie Chicoine Aaron Gustafson Veerle Pieters Vince Ricci Anil Dash Snaggy Jeffrey Zeldman Sarah Austin Melissa Gira Grant Khoi Vinh Laura Fisher micamonkey Darth Vader Leica Fan Boy Bill Clinton Jeff Keni Pulver Bender
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