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@HubrisSonic PM me a name and how many to put down
Saturday night is the bounenkai at Unit. Let me know if you want to be on guest list by lunch time Sat. more..
back to Tokyo tomorrow, but worried a few bottles of wine won't make it intact. any suggestions for keeping them safe in checked luggage?
just about to investigate if I can locate myself an Apple store in Sydney. I heard rumors they have one here now.
Taking some time on the way to the airport to catch up on the #Mumbai news properly. Still a lot of anger in the world
Finally on the way to Narita, tomorrow I will be on the beach in Sydney
I remember playing around with back in 2002 when it was still called "Proce55ing", finally it has turned 1.0
@antjeverena happy birthday! that "happy birthday" I told you on Sunday was a fake one, this is the real one
nice! ... top 25 Sweetcron powered lifestreams. mine is half way down (discovered via @Aizlewood )
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes... FYI, Facebook wins as the most used birthday wishes platform this year, followed closely by Skype
I feel I have missed opportunities to push out witty messages from last nights Twitter outage, those moments will never be back
Australia is No. 1 ! (you will note I choose not to live there though)
my personal site is slowing becoming what I want. Tonight's addition, banner for UltraSuperNew
Trendhunter loves us
retweeting @aruban : One of the best concept of game ever :
@TessaS the Japanese parts on the @ultrasupernew tweets are roughly covered in the English at the end or on previous tweet


om tedr Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Justine Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Jim Long Tantek Çelik Stephen Rainey Robert Scoble Boris younghee Hugh MacLeod Gen Kanai john Allsopp Kristopher Andrew Shuttleworth Kevin Rose guchagucha Leah Culver Kirk McMurray Fake Henry Rollins Joi Ito Loic Le Meur hotdogsladies Anatole Varin Robert Sanzalone Asela matt romaine Six Apart Alexander Catlin David Prager Grant Michael Arrington Joseph Miller
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