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@YatPundit I would mah sweet little beignet, but I think Mrs. YatPundit might disapprove. ;-)
Goodnight mah tweets. THANKS THE FREAK IT'S FRIDAY TOMORROW. Also? Must buy vacuum for the mothership. GAAAH. xoxoxoxo!
Just spent last hour reading Twilight with daughter complete with MUCH vocal resonance and inflection. Just like the movie! Only comfier!
@LilShopOBaubles Thanks! That is so awesome!
@jerseymomma It's okay, Amber, I won't tell anyone about your problem. ;-)
@jerseymomma And now a year later, it's clear momma needs the diaper. Heee.
@tamera Two kinds of cheddar. I'm not a fan of cottage cheese. ;-)
@LordGme I just loaded about 6lbs of cheese into the potato mixture. Hee! ;-)
Great. Husband just brought me a glass of riesling. These maybe some misshaped pierogies. Good thing they taste yummy.
@LindaWyatt I'll move the cat. ;-)
@CabanaMan Yes! I know, right? Too bad they take 1100 years to make.
@FreeRangeMom Well, I making 5 dozen, so I think I can accommodate a bunch of dinner guests. ;-)
Making homemade potato & cheese pierogies. Husband walked in door eating a slice of pizza. Smart man. He knows dinner is a long way off.
@scottypboston Two words. Talcum powder. And be careful in the city, Lil Scotty. They like 'em young and teh cute. ;-)
@girlgamy YES. It sure it. ;-)
@pprlisa Can't wait to get my potholder from #BGS! And happy month of December to you!
@scottypboston I hope they were the ones with bedazzles down the legs.
@jenweissman Shoot for 3 hours, Jen! Whoo! And a pedicure. ;-)
Put the needle on the record/Put the needle on the record/Put the needle on the record/When the song beats go like this


David Parmet Doug Haslam  C.C. Chapman Keller BostonDave scott giovanni Mac Jeff O'Hara Brett Nordquist the Domestic Diva Jeremy Pepper crosby joe pitkin John Hood Erika Jurney Karly Ruthie Benjamin Reece Kaia Susanna King Mary Wallace Marc Nathan Julia Roy Jonic David Binkowski Dave Curlee Chelsea Moser Mark Delfs lisa coultrup Wayne Dixon Ed Borasky Sherry Pardy Jeff Keni Pulver Nathan L Paul Skudlarek
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