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Physical chores done: kitchen cleaned, dishwasher loaded. Next up: digital chores. Podcasts to download, emails to send, replies to write.
I'd forgotten just how much I love
I tried. I really tried. But that was pretty much my idea of hell, regardless of the sexuality.
At @adactio's gig. Wondering if anything's happening after? @serenasaysso?
Wondering whether designers make naturally talented musicians. I think they might.
Make this: Apple juice, crumbled cinnamon stick/s, ginger to taste, generous sloshes amaretto. Heat slowly, don't boil. Remove bits. Drink.
Bacon Sandwich: A New Hope.
Wanting to correct Dopplr's grammar: "We already found Alice, Bob and Charlie *with whom* you already share trips".
Today, I'm due to read my delicious backlog, blog, reply to comments, hang pictures. I may sack it all off and have a Star Wars marathon.
Enjoyable @theskiff warming. Now home to a warming chicken and leek stroganoff.
OH: "Essentially all duck sex is rape."
Brainstorming font-related web app names. perhaps?
Pleased that new client insists on calling me "Your Excellency".
Had a quick play with FluidTunes ( Gestural interfaces have a LONG way to go until they're useful. There. I said it.
Looking forward to imminent Wordpress 2.7:
Absorbing @odannyboy's updated Disciplines of UX diagram: Useful clarity, or more Defining The Damn Thing?
"I predict that Internet Explorer version 8.0 will be the first good Web browser…" - Jakob Nielsen, 2000.
♫ "Our bodies break, and the blood just spills and spills. But here we sit debating math." ♫
Lunch with @simonw @adactio @sophystar @jvbates @natbat @nicepaul @rellyab @boxman. Now more wireframing.


Evan Williams Dunstan veen Jonathan Markwell David Smith Matt Jones Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Thomas Vander Wal lane Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Curtis James Cristiano Betta Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag ribot Emily Chang Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Hickensian Richard Rutter Si Jobling Norm! David Stone Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward Josh Russell Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Simon Willison Steve Marshall
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