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Heading out for lunch, and exercise at the gym. Back later. Twitter on, dudes...
@alfredtwo "There is no such thing as a free lunch" ... or dinner, I suspect. :)
Checking out Mr. Tweet, a personal assistant for discovering great followers and influencers in my network!(Please RT)
Hmmm, 800 followers as of this morning. Hope I'm not expected to invite everyone home for dinner...
@sampad Why is FF3.0.5 better than 3.0.4? Important bug fixes? Feature tweaks? What else?
@estherschindler Apparently, the omniscient alien has come to warn us of global climate change, in this new version of TDTESS ...
@malfunction54 In the new verison, I think the spaceship lands in NYC's Central Park. If so, I'll be curious to see what it looks like...
@JoeCascio I just RT'd a link to a review of the original movie; I too saw it when I was a kid (but don't remember much about it).
RT @gwfrink3: Reading about original The Day the Earth Stood Still:
@smithlc Oooh. I bet it would be a great movie to see on IMAX. It's playing on IMAXhere in NYC, too...
Anyone going to see "The Day The Earth Stood Still" this weekend?
Fascinating NYT op-ed column on Woodrow Wilson's plan to resign immediately if he lost 1916 election;
Good morning, Twitterverse... it's a wet Thursday, here in NYC.
Enough for tonight. Going to sleep. See y'all in the morning...
@dalecruse And, of course, you knew that Volodymyr Palahnyuk's stage name was Jack Palance (also in "City Slickers")
@dalecruse Re "Shane": did you know that Volodymyr Palahnyuk played the role of the bad gunman in the saloon?
@dalecruse Now *that* sounds like a good way to spend the evening!Great movie!
@monkchips I give up: what is a "manifester"?
@shawnz I talked to the "violin kid", and told him where he could find his photo on Flickr... don't know if he ever did it ...
@shawnz Hey - congrats on getting one of your Saints game pics published!


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