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@OneAlfredPlace thanks for turning the lights back up! I can see now! Yay!!
@OneAlfredPlace Only if you get someone from the Open Rights Group to provide some balance. also, can you turn the lights back up please?
huh... someone just turned the lights down at OAP. This is supposed to be a workspace, not a fricken lovenest. I need light to work guys!
pushed the boat out at OAP - had a coke and some hand-cut crisps. cold in here though.
@AE3nn ORG are campaigning. Info on ORG blog - and petition: - sign if even if outside EU
@robmyers good point that I'd like to see put to him on national TV.
@russnelson preaching to the converted here. you need to speak to the Members of the European Parliament and tell them.
glad I can't hear what Fergal Sharkey is saying on Sky News. ticker: "music industry washed away if we dont' protect it." Bullshit.
@nmeradio @febake pffft to Facebook. The really famous people use Twitter ;)
at OAP. can finally check for new lolcats.
ok, had lunch. Off to oap.
ugh. iPhone aim app crap. Meh.
argh. More tea needed.
can't face spending entire day at OAP so working at home, offline, this morning.
No change in Internet status at home. Still dead. Also still feeling a bit jetlsgged. Meh.
Still no Internet at home. Pfffffft. Time for bed.
maybe it's time to go home, even though there's probably no internet there.
ok, brain starting to faff now


danah boyd Colin Schlüter Ross Thomas Vander Wal Adam Giles Robert Brook l.m. orchard Simon Perry Michael O'CC Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Hickensian Chris Adams debs Chris V Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Meg Pickard alanconnor Edd Dumbill Paul Hammond Euan Semple Matt Webb Antony Richard Moross Richard Ryan Carson Rob Hinchcliffe Tim Cowlishaw Johnnie Moore Gavin Bell Mr Noded Tom Reynolds leisa Ian Betteridge
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