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Still waiting to board my train. This is a bit much, even by VIA's standards of "running on time"
Good gosh, half my freakin' luggage is cords/adapters for electrical stuff. More cords than clothes! Stop the insanity.
@michaelallison A good question, and the article was likely spun to the city's favour. Far greater systemic problems are the real issue.
Miss the sister and wish I had a Scrabble partner right about now. Glad to head home tomorrow, though two weeks (!) may make me batty.
@dwf Aw, the 'amen' is why I was reticent to post. =( Try as I might, this kind of post always sounds haughty, pedantic. Not intended, sigh.
Incredibly sad. I wish I had the space (and that it was safe) to open my home to anyone in this cold. via @michaelallison
@dwf *headsmack* A route'd be helpful, eh? My world exists around the College line. =)
@vasta Thanks! I'm looking forward to suburbia and its lack of public transit. =P Grant me a Christmas wish and be nice to your body, okay?
Yonge to Parliament against the snow. Excuse me while my eyeballs thaw.
FYI no streetcar service east past Bay. Looks like a snowy walk for me!
The Periodic Table of Awesoments. Awesome.
@colin_chan Congrats! Hopefully the snow moves out before you have to. =)
@pipesdreams A very happy birthday, my dear! <3
@irisng Ya, we're lucky, it's pretty consistently 21ish in here. Get residual heat (the non-nuclear type :P ) from the store downstairs.
I'm still wicked impressed that it's mid-December and I haven't yet had to turn on the heat, but I walk into a cozy apartment each night.
@hyfen @dwf A couple of hopeless romantics, you two are.
Man with ranunculus on the streetcar, I bet your girlfriend loves you.
@pipesdreams lacks the interactivity I crave.Where's the twitterfeed? And @honeygolightly points out; no salad muffins!
Hey #smoo, you’re AWESOME. Mind-blowingly so. Just sayin’.


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