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deckin' the halls over here...
Dropped some xmas cards in my neighbors mailboxes & was informed by one of them that I committed a federal offense. Happy Holidays to me!
True, I got 7.5 hrs of sleep, but too bad there was a 2 hr pause beginning at 3 a.m.
@froofy Poor little guy. Proof that farts are not always a laughing matter! Glad he's feeling better.
@DlimitR oh no, give Oliver a hug for me. Thinking about you guys.
I'm bursting at the seams here with holiday activities... baking, card addressing, craftiness, etc. Somebody stop me!
@Galumbits walk around the corner to @froofy's desk & take your pick from her random & weird knick-knacks. Problem solved!
Weird. Just discovered my cat loves pita chips.
@herbadmother Why berate self? I thought baby rolling off parents bed, onto hardwood, was mandatory initiation. Mine did it at 7 mos old.
Trying to reign myself in from the 73432343456 toys to choose from for Quinn for Christmas. I am a marketer's dream.
@froofy Is there a full moon??? Quinn just went to sleep.
Tree picked out, brought home, propped up on small table, and base of tree stand secured to table. Go ahead baby, try to tip it over.
Two down, one to go... Now, to somehow channel the xmas spirit.
I can appreciate the concept of Qoop, making my flickr photos easily accessible for gifts & such, but what a horrible website. Arghh!
Ah. The internetz is back. Not taking internet connection for granted for one more minute. Ordering xmas gifts now.
Comcast internet decided to crap out. Soonest that a tech can make out is Tuesday. As in 4 DAYS from now! Clinging to iPhone & Edge.
@z0xx Sounds very cool. I'll try looking for them, but outcome is questionable.
@froofy I've had December's like that. Gotta love use em' or lose em' vacation days. :)
Never fails, freshly bathed baby pees on me before I can get the diaper on her.
Tweeps: I need to print holiday cards. Who offers the least expensive & best looking options?


Maggie Mason Aaron Huslage Jake Olsen chrissey Tracy Rolling sarah gilbert Asha Dornfest Catherine Connors Oregonian traffic fekaylius Anna R. Snyder Dooce TriMet Melissa Summers Alice Bradley Tracey GaughranPerez Helgy geminica Mara Collins Mom101 Tanis Miller MamaPop motherofbun mublogger wecovet MatthewJBrown TheBloggess Platial Asha Dornfest Linda JB chrisGoad BackpackingDad keswold amalah z0xx