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@npeterson and @zeldman need to get better, dammitz.
heading over to the lizard lounge for dennis brennan's residency night.
listening to the 25th anniversary deluxe reissue of Murmur. 25! eep.
Leaving the lizard lounge after yet another epic Session Americana rewsidency night. "John Brown" with cello+viola = !!
Today's soundtrack is Crooked Still (again).
@andreakremer that oddly dressed up suit guy who was at the mike viola lizard lounge show is at Toad!
Leaving the confines of the greater Boston area to check out a restaurant with rock+roll cohort in suburbia-land. And looking forward to it!
@chrisbrogan Could you retweet this? SOS! ;)
@chrisbrogan the best spot for co-working in Boston is @betahouse. :)
@andreakremer Here you go: ... I could be wrong. Maybe you won't like them; but I am hooked!
speaking of @pc4media, not following him? You should be. He is super savvy and not just another hype+BS machine. Sooz Endorsement FTW!
@pc4media I think DM's are good for 1-2 messages and anything beyond that, email works lots better. Also ... hi! :)
retweet @meghkeaney You're all invited to my happy hour to raise money for the community support fund tomorrow night
@meghkeaney Can you repost the URL? It didn't come through. Sounds like a good event!
@andreakremer Don't know if you saw my hypertweets the other day about Pittsburgh band Good Night, States. But I think you'd like them!
@tinctoris Alas, the dream did not include opening credits or a title. Ha.
@WBUR I want to go to one of your social media tweetups but Tuesday is Session Americana residency through the end of January. SOS! :)
@jessachusetts That does not sound like a fun job in Boston in the middle of the winter. (You don't like dogs?!?!?)
@andreakremer redirects to TRP SportsEntertainment's website (who ran NEMO). BMA's event is apparently invite-only not public


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