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McDonald's PSA: Unless there's signage or stanchions indicating otherwise, the golden arches forms a line for each register vs. one for all.
testing vlingo -composed with vlingo
I don't get the increasing number of people who follow me & then stop following me a few days later. I guess they manage their ratio closely
Got a letter from Avis claiming that I owe them over $650 for unspecified damages to a car I rented at ITO back in August. Glad I took pics…...
The old 5400 RPM HDD I used to use in this MBP either sucked &/or Build 9F2114 of 10.5.5 rocks. My old MBP is performing better than xpected
On the old MBP while the unibody is out to get its faulty 9400M replaced (hope it's not just a driver issue). Gotta ♥ OS X's HDD movability....
Is there a point where brick & mortars stop benefiting from Black Friday because nobody can get to their store? Guess it's a reward to pros.
@notoriouskro I have not purchased the new WoW yet. I did recently apply an update that was over 1 gig for the helluvit. Now I have a dragon
There's nothing like encoding some video in order to finally get the new MacBook Pro's fans to spin up to an audible level. Still very quiet
Thank God the pres.-elect has freed the scientists in DC: "scientific evidence leaves no question that Gulf War illness is a real condition"
FF update prompted me to Google why so many of my exts. haven't been updated for FF3. "Find Updates" feature broken. Many updates available!
IBM looks petty & stupid for taking Apple to court over hiring Papermaster. It publicizes everything & sends a bad message to IBM employees.
Comcast seems to have decided yesterday that they don't like OpenDNS. Switching back to Comcast DNS fixed the problem or was big coincidence
Anyone else having problems with Comcast Internet in San Jose? It'll be nice once AT&T makes iPhone tethering an official option for backup.
@genecowan The No on 8 campaign seemed outgunned from out of state money too. Anecdotally noticed lots of ppl who thought Obama supported 8.
@MrJoy CA passed Prop 2 which requires farmers to treat chickens, pigs et al. more humanely but doesn't prevent stores from buying out of CA
Coming to the realization that my state simultaneously gave rights to poultry while taking them away from people. At least @BarackObama won.
DIRECTV has a special Election Day Mix on Channel 352 -
@garazi Karl Rove thinks Obama will win tonight although it could be part of some evil plot of his to dissuade Obama supporters from voting.


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