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Rationing this Diet Dr.Pepper as it's the only one in he house.
I love the Tatra T87, the type on that speedo & the banjo wheel. How did we go from this to square?
@joleine While I love long hair, feel free to go crazy short if you want. Have fun with it. @jimgoings Thanks for having my back. :)
The Nines Hotel is fairly nice. Stepping in a puddle on the way there. Not so nice.
@georgehuff Yeah, now that gas is cheap should we all rush out and buy gas guzzlers? We did the opposite for hybrids. Plus it would help GM.
Decided last night that I prefer my old Graphire at home to my Intuos at work. No button pains. Clicking links in air apps worked. Bizarre.
@rulesaremyenemy I think you just made my day with that video. I was in need of just such a thing. Thanks. :)
@jaacob Ihaven't seen it make any difference at all, but then I'm not doing massive replaces. I actually use it a lot for image management
Besides Apple, I think Panic is the number one reason I love the Mac. Coda, Transmit and Candybar are all in my daily use.
@vlhowland Wow and I thought we were behind.
About to drop some more sick pixels into the my sorta secret project. Bwahahahaha.
ProFlowers is one of those evil companies who hides their unsubscribe link under the guise of "email preferences"
OH:Gosh, that Sam Lawrence. He's a canner. His whole week falls apart if he doesn't can something.
Thanks for the gift ideas everyone
What would be cool to give away at a company raffle that isn't lame, isn't an ipod and isn't crazy expensive?
So stuffed. PF Changs is decent but good lord the Hot & Sour soup tastes like dog food.
Grr. More technical issues. Firebug keeps not working / crashing and my MBP power chord needs to be jiggled in order to charge.
@pvponline I have a tier 1 or 2 human palladin I'd be glad to just give you. Only cost would be to reopen my account for the transfer.
@michaelsigler My bad. I mean the $1200 X-Wing model.
@verso Have you seen this? $250 X-Wing replica based on original molds.


Josh Bancroft Dan Cederholm Jacob Reiff D4L Jeff Croft John Gruber Cameron Moll Scott Kveton Audrey Jeffrey Zeldman Khoi Vinh Pasquale D'Silva Barry Reid Beels Josh Pyles Chris Brentano Scott Kurtz Aaron Johnson Aaron Hockley Raven Zachary B. Hussein Fishbones toonlet Dawn Foster follow me @TiEsQue Tyler Sticka Chris Griffin marshallk AdamD Jeff Campbell George Huff Kristin Reilly Doug Rick Turoczy Andrew Badera Cabel M. Sasser Dan Blaker
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