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sitting down to some tasty bento. yum. I <3 you so much tempura veggies. You make a crappy afternoon better by early evening.
Dear prospective Web clients. You pay me to make your site. If you want me to write your content as well that costs waaay more. that is all.
@cmstudios To paraphrase many great urban poets: "All the other blogging platforms are suckas. WordPress for life yo!"
@dawkcub also great suggestion re: Brick and Mortar naming suggestion.
@dawkcub Thank you much :D Don't suppose you know how to slightly widen the gmail sidebar?
Weird. ical insists that there is cal. data for my old job but I can't find it anywhere.
@TiEsQue Crisp bacon is the antibacon.
@kveton Can we hickory maple smoke the shark and then call it #seabacon?
How the F do I arrange the sidebar items in gmail?
Dear Tweetdeck plz let me have notifications via growl for osx. they look better and I like bottom alerts.
@brampitoyo LIES!The bacon was perfectly not crisp. just on the cusp of crisp :D
@rael Just the other day while talking to @turoczy he had a full on 8bit breakout. He's ok now though.
@rael It's a fact that @turoczy suffers from acute pixelitis but he's got a great doctor who is managing his symptoms.
@StephStricklen Beer and blog is secretly all about near beer. It's a fact. Also hops are not magical fairy outfits.
I just found out a secret about next week's Beer and Blog. Totally scandalous!
@peat Cubespace of course :D
@brampitoyo Very enjoyable breakfast. (For those who care I had Roasted Potatoes (yay irish) and #Bacon). Fun discussions too
yay office all setup (almost). Also anyone know how to sync tweetdeck settings betwixt computers?
@TiEsQue @betsywhim @xolotl is the owner of the map and I think there was an alternate logon for it..can't recall


Rael Dornfest Mr Messina Josh Bancroft Jacob Reiff photomatt Major Nelson (Larry) andrea_r Scott Kveton Audrey Alex King Brenda Clark Reid Beels bill pearson Don Park jessica* Josh Pyles Chris Brentano raanan Delta Park Project Andrew Ettinger Betsy Richter Ed Borasky Jason Glaspey Will Norris Nabil Maynard shad Wendy Peter Wooley Aaron Hockley Raven Zachary Tim Trautmann B. Hussein Fishbones John Anthony Hartman The Mia Dawn Foster follow me @TiEsQue
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