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Regular Budget Supplementary Account

In January 2008 a regular budget supplementary account (RBSA) was established for voluntary contributions to expand and deepen the capacity to deliver on the priorities set by the ILO Programme and Budget for 2008�, in particular the implementation of Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs).

This development followed a discussion by the Governing Body at its 297th Session in November 2006. Many member States highlighted real difficulties and constraints in augmenting their assessed contributions to the ILO, but recognized the importance of strengthening services in countries. The Director-General encouraged innovative reflection on the regular budget in order for the ILO to fulfil its mandate corresponding to the increasing needs of constituents.

A three-pronged budget strategy was subsequently elaborated and discussed with constituents. This approach encompasses the two existing sources of funding, namely the regular budget based on assessed contributions and the extra-budgetary voluntary contributions of donors for specific technical cooperation programmes, plus a new strand proposed as the RBSA. It recognizes the financial constraints faced by member States and the lack of consensus in favour of either real budgetary growth or continued stagnation. It does not preclude agreement on a real increase in the regular budget in subsequent biennia.

The opening of an RBSA on an experimental basis and at a prudent, conservative level, will help overcome the gap in the real growth needed in the 2008� regular budget while countries resolve their difficulties and constraints. In addition to the regular budget and extra-budgetary resources, the RBSA would constitute a third source of funding to expand and deepen decent work priorities and outcomes in dialogue with tripartite constituents in member States in the framework of United Nations reform and inter-agency cooperation. It could also become a permanent mechanism for countries that wish to contribute to the regular budget above the level approved for all Member States by the International Labour Conference.

The RBSA is essentially based on the belief that the universal support expressed by member States for the relevance and the essential role of our Organization should be mobilized to find a solution acceptable to all.


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Last update:07.10.2008 ^ top