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Is LinkedIn down? Can't get through the front page. Couldn't sleep, signed up for two new services - cellity and twones - now back to bed.
Today I gave CHS a hardcopy of the Multimedia Adventure Calendar (chocolate version). He said he was going to check out the online version..
Lesson of today: Some things MUst be written with capital letters. At least within some comMUnities.
Bought new gloves yesterday, as I left my last pair on the subway. Today I left my new pair on the bus. Going to buy a bunch next time...
The tooth fairy forgot to visit my son. For the second night in a row. Oh no, must improve...
No Internet access at home. And I have talked wife into using Google docs. Now she needs to work...
Grr, recorded Fröken Vildkatt today, but it started lated than announced. Missed the ending, probably including Swedish Swing. Anyone?
On my way to SIME, hope to see Hans Rosling speak live (or rather story-tell live).
Hm, top rated on this list - noticed that @dangli has a higher rating but he's not listed as "Stockholm, Sweden"
Fast forward through Sjöcharmörer. Hambo-swing potentially a close one to Palais Stroll? Also, looking forward to Fröken Vildkatt next week....
At Mobile Focus 2008, on a press pass... Guess I need to blog about it as well, or does a tweet count? Also, now followed by @barackobama :)
Just bought a domain for my (mid)wife, Gift 2.0? Also, scart-cables that are 10 meters long doesn't always work.
On the bus home from work. Plugged in my 3G card 1st time on Vista. Worked perfect without upgrade, @dangli was wrong.. ;-)
All Swedish TV channels sent uncoded today - trick or treat? Spotted by son, well - the normal uncoded ones are still to many for me...
Victory of today: beat the bus to the next stop. Now on it. I love shortcuts. Of all kind.
On my way to the monthly Stockholm Social Media Lunch. Also, we have a formal GO for the /// December thingie.. :-)
Blogged about rock´n´roll - will play jazz tonight. Do you play the guitar? We want you
LinkedIn launching applications. The blog link one doesn't work that well though. Also, drinking coffee and planning blog post about coffee.
Getting ready to pick up youngest kid from daycare and move into weekend mode. Also, just got an invitation to my 1st meeting with CHS :-o
Massive queues out from Kista. This time I really *can't* get home fast enough...


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