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Barak - At Silicon Valley for Obama party. Near tears. - Making get out the vote calls for Obama at the outdoor phone bank! : current location
Yes. In fact I think I'm going to come over there after Web 2.0
Oh no... I switched to Mac! First time in 14 years as my main machine. Very happy, and blown away by Fusion 2.0 (safety net)
mocha is feeling so good I don't know how we will keep her quite for 6 weeks.
@carbonnet your like the terminator
@anildash No not McClellan, Obama, but you knew that
@anildash You know he look kind of south asian... hum - d lilich hope you enjoy PopTech. I was thinking of going but really couldn't swing it. Post some nice fall pic ... - Just picked Mocha up from the vet. She has this "how could you do this to me?" look on her face.
Vet called. Mocha is fine, she not only had a torn CCL as expected but a torn meniscus. We pick her up tomorrow, she has a 6 week recovery
Mocha went in for her surgery this morning. Should hear how. It went at 5pm.
Walking the Dish for the first time since they closed it to dogs 10 years ago.
@biz now you need to kill youself. Nothing left to live for.
A beautiful New York fall day. No place feels the same. : current location
No reason to bring dope to the Fillmore. Just breath. - Chris Isaac at the Fillmore.


Biz Stone Evan Williams veen Jason Shellen Xeni Jardin om Kathy Johnson Scott Beale President Monteiro Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Michael Sippey Stewart Butterfield Caterina Reid Hoffman Tantek Çelik debs aa Paul Lindner Justin Hall miz_ginevra Anil Dash Jay Allen Brad Fitzpatrick Alaina Joi Ito Steve Rubel Masayoshi Sekimura Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Lisa Phillips Loic Le Meur David Recordon Jeff Keni Pulver Patty Mitchell krissy t David Jacobs