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Someone just left a sandwich on my doorstep. It's a good looking sandwich. Untouched. Bacon & Turkey on Pumpernickel. Dare I eat it?
Jenn's mom to her aunt after aunt's terrible eye job: Even your twin won't recognize you!Always wear sunglasses. 100% of time. Even inside.
At nobu, but all I want to do is get under the table and nap.
The sound of my own tweet, the one I just twittered about being startled, startled me again. OK. Getting hold of myself. Hitting send.
I'm at that grim stage of extreme sleep deprivation where unexpected noises startle me. An incoming tweet just scared the bejesus out of me.
mean gift for your kid:
My wife to me: "There are key junk foods I steel myself to eat, because your commentary on their smell is so bracingly cruel."
Wife is asleep hugging left leg. So that leg is all warm/cozy. But it's crazy cold and my other leg is frozen. Move=wake her. Solution?
Note to self: avoid Uzbek barbers during important soccer games if you want to avoid being wounded.
I always pick up pennies I find on the street. That's justhow I roll.
Kind of missing the Chateau Marmont right now.
@hodgman Hold down the shift key while while taking the picture and the annoying photo booth "flash" will be turned off.
Eating my way through my wife's superb galbijjim. As she started cooking in earnest only after we met, I take full credit!
On my 3rd all nighter this week. Tired more than one ever should be. Worn to a nub. Too much to do.
Overheard a guy in a suit on the F train talking dismissively of "the twittering class"...
@jakedobkin that's the most famous one. Lesser examples: "They do not move." Curtain. - Beckett & "alarums and excursions"-Shakespeare
Passed Maggie Gyllenhaal in the neighborhood. Her eyes reminded me of my mother. Fought the odd desire to hug Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Yeah it's MS, but Mesh lets me keep a folder in sync across several macs and pcs. No iphone though so no hat trick.
Venus, Jupiter, Moon are in conjunction, a nice punctuation point on the day.


Xeni Jardin george Matt Jacobs Stewart Butterfield Caterina Christian Sv Kolding Amit superamit Gupta jcn Zach Klein John Gruber Anil Dash Jeffrey Zeldman Glass Khoi Vinh tangentialism Davin Risk Brent Simmons James Home janelle Eliot Shepard David Jacobs Keith Kin Yan souris HOC Sahadeva Hammari Jen Bekman jake dobkin Michael Cosentino michael h Jason Kottke swissmiss KDUNK Jonathan Coulton Cory Doctorow Tony Hoffman frank kolodziej