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the gun sound we thought was from upstairs was not only fireworks, found via twitter they were actually from the grove, google had no answer
At prop H8 protest - best sign: 'you have 5 wives - I just want ONE!'
Whew.. Last weekend of weddings done. From new orleans to georgia, my closest friends are finally letting me have a break from celebrating.
In the dugout with the dodgers - amazing game tonight
wow. very logical to answer a question on bankruptcy with an answer about energy. omg.
Box seats at the bowl to see Feist - I love summer...
In my homestate, boatin on a lake in austin, drinking shiner beer, fishing, eating tons of meat - so awesome
I just bought 'Grillz!' - candy that looks like a gold blinged out mouthgrill - ages 3+
in Texas to see my brother graduate into our country's large pool of lawyers.. congrats Beans!
Benefits of being a girl at a geek conference - short bathroom lines, long ones for guys
Waiting forever in cargo customs but worth it for my vintage rug from morocco!
my hometown of san angelo,tx: polygamists at our old fort, my mom is doing art classes for the kids, legal costing our city over 300k/day
i made black bean brownies. yep. brownies with black beans.
morning spending with friends from 6th grade, afternoon holding a premie baby half the size of my arm, evening with new air con - nice
Lovely day in SB or "the barbara" as my bro-in-law calls it
funerals are incredibly inspirational. today was amazing.
all i can say is that today was devastating.
wow! for the first time, I just got a text message from my Dad!! this world is changing...
i'm sad that i'm missing sxsw this year. i miss my home state.
wow. i actually ran out of gas and to push my car. thatll teach me not to push it that far on 'E'