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Dealing with Secret Service when I drop the kids off at school because Obama's dropping his off too is not the thrill that tweeting it is.
MY TINY LIFE (my 1998 debut) is now available as a virtual book. Get it at this and other fine Second Life bookstores:
@xenijardin [singing] Hypertext! FidoNet! Dialup! Extropianism! Netiquette! Crypto-anarchy now it's the end of the world as we know it...
@xenijardin And the "Technorealists" too. They had a manifesto, even. Srsly!
@xenijardin Oh hey now don't forget your "cypherpunks"!
@stevenjayl Donn Parker. Wow. That takes me back. Was Phiber Optik in the house also?
Why yes, that *is* my gimungo profile of virtual-gold kingpin Brock Pierce featured on the front page of
#namedrop On my way to lunch with Lessig.
This just in: My WoW account is safer than my bank acc't. (Or could be. Dongle? I don't need no steenking dongle.)
Hear my Twitter, @markdery: There is no spoon. The membrane is all. Join us! Follow and be followed! Tweet -- and be twitted.
@desertjul Yeah, someone said posole. Then I, unaware of the orthographic niceties (, said pozole. U lrn sumpn evryday.
@tmmalaby Mmm. Pozole. Any left?
Hey! They like me over at Broken Toys! They really... well, don't seem to actually hate me anymore.
@alist I'd like to read it. Tearjerking just is not the benchmark, IMHO. TV commercials prolly make me weep more than any other form.
But asking if games can make Jason Rohrer cry is clearly setting the bar low: (2/2)
OK, I can see how "Will a video game ever make you cry?" *might* be a fair question about games-as-art. (1/2)
@shaviro Not the best sightseeing, but the mountains are pretty. Plus: historic childood home of @juliandibbell at 536 Berkeley Ave.
@shaviro Claremont? Whoa, that's where I grew up, Steve. Treat it gently. [And pour a 40 on the ground outside DFW's house :(]
@ddibbell the 2 twitter modes: Cozy updates for actual friends. Clever thoughts/cool links for army of "followers." Pick one.
Gotta stop following WoW guildmates on Twitter. I get all their tweets first in guildchat then here. Freaky-ass intertextual echo, yo.


Dennis Crowley danah boyd Xeni Jardin joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Caterina Cal Henderson Andy Baio Justin Hall Clive Thompson Jane McGonigal Joi Ito Liz Lawley bryan campen Matt Haughey Steven Levy Elouise Oyzon Wagner James Au Guilherme Kujawski Jason Kottke Steven Johnson Cory Doctorow mia c alice robison Trebor Scholz Clay Shirky Steven Shaviro James Grimmelmann MattMihaly bartsimon thomas malaby Sergio Amadeu constances zefrank robotwisdom Nic Ducheneaut