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@RobertBluey I never listened to Rush before, and I don't plan on starting now.
About to do an interview with @TMV radio. Working on an email QnA now, too.
@KevinBinversie It was epic. I may need to go back -- way out of my way -- just to get a picture.
As a word of advice, it's not the best idea to take a sports car out on a muddy dirt road.
@AriMelber I don't know, ask @LizMair. OH JUST KIDDING, LIZ. You're not there yet.
Oh the joys of real estate. I saw a house today who erected a fence from old cars -- one on top of the other -- around their entire house.
@PardonMyFrench I'm not sure. I think after last night, he has reason to give it a second though.
@PardonMyFrench Having worked under Duncan, I can say he's an able hand at the helm in unsteady waters.
@PardonMyFrench If Duncan wants the chairmanship, he's going to keep it. Believe that.
Writing on Steele's GOPAC finances and Dawson's (former) membership to an all-white country club.
@MindyFinn Duncan is the only potential candidate that can argue he's won in a post-Obama world.
Family portraits. Jake: Jade:
@DavidAll With Chambliss' win, the likelihood of Duncan running went up by about 50%. I'd say he's leaning towards it.
ARGH. Again, Toffee relieved herself 2 steps from the door -- as I was leashing her up. I'm so tired of mopping!!!!!
@JaseLP While I didn't pick the winning candidate, at least mine got more than 11 votes. I stand by my decision to work for/support McCain.
@JaseLP Ok, so now your (former) employer dictates your political ideology? I guess I missed that memo.
@JaseLP You still haven't responded to your unfounded "blind loyalty" allegation. I vote principle, not Party.
@JaseLP Are you totally out of it? My blind loyalty? Do you know how many people I pissed off this week? Think again, my friend.
@AbbyAlger Really? I had no idea. I've been in the car all day looking at houses...
@JaseLP Your support of "liberty" seems insincere when you'd voluntarily give Democrats -- or any one party -- ultimate legislative power.


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