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At UC Berkeley collaborating with prof to use twitter GAE and AWS to help researchers share bibliographies.
@jyarmis do you know abt sqlstream - they hv an exclnt streaming sql engine & rumored to hv a cool twttr demo I might get to see tomorrow
@gwachob probably a minion but then again the minister is not personally going to solve anyone's probs either so delegation not so bad
... something amazing is happening in India post #mumbai Moderate Muslims (160Million)are blazing a trail for moderate Muslims worldwide
Islamic community in India on holy day of Eid, wears black bands in remembrance of #mumbai attacks, rejects terrorism .....
#obamaeffect new chief minister of Maharashtra publishes email address promoting openness - predecessor resigned after #mumbai attacks
10 democrats who should go away
Barcode on your business card and reader from Nokia. Also for iPhone ?
Jews in Mumbai live in peace w/ Muslims, run schools w predominantly Muslim students. Feel vulnerable now. #mumbai
Avoid cow slaughter, pray for Mumbai slain, on Eid (holy day) respect Hindus suggests Muslim high council #mumbai
Amazing! Muslims in Delhi form a 1000 strong force against terror #mumbai
Unreal! Just saw "follow us at" on bart station announcement ticker. Got to get on this twitter thang. ;-)
RT @elatable Collaborbation - the act of collaborating alone.
Please sign this petition and retweet, email to friends etc. http://www.petitiononline.c...
@loiclemeur what will the next version be built on ?
@al3x very cool textmate suggestions. Thanks!
At creative commons office in sf discussing acawiki and bibliographic data and cczero license. Am dragging myself kicking and screaming ......
@kamla it is a Democracy so state is supposed to be the elected Govt, no? So state is essentially admitting to loss of control over actors
@kamla .. or is that a state with no control over it's actors ?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Livia Kevin S. Naina Redhu danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Rob Hayes Thomas Vander Wal Hiten Shah Jackson West Dave Winer Christine Herron Glenda Carlos Granier Brian Del Vecchio Dan Cederholm Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag
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